1935 – Netherlands Indies – Salvation Army special postmark. Date: 30 May 1935. I’ve seen this special SA slogan postmark (with the Salvation Army Crest) used on some covers after 1936, but I’ve not seen this as early as 1935 before. Note: The stamps are not Salvation Army stamps.
Monthly Archives: December 2020
1962 – Congo – Official SA cover
Congo – Official Salvation Army cover, cancelled April 1962. Postmarked Brazzaville, Congo on an official Armee du Salut cover from the equatorial Office in Congo. Multistamped. Very unusual and nice cover.
1927 – Switzerland – Franchise stamps
From 1911 to 1943 the Swiss Post issued some franchise stamps to support charity organizations like the Salvation Army. The overprinted numbers 146 and 369 were used for the Salvation Army. The 146 overprint was used from 1911 – 1925 and the 369 overprint was used from 1926 to 1934. (Source: Heilsarmee-Briefmarken). The official SA cover also has an extra “Armee du Salut” slogan PM (St. Aubin Colonie Agricole). The agriculture facility was called “Le Devens” and was administered by the Salvation Army from 1912.
SA 16 – Canada – Unlisted FDC
Salvation Army Centenary in Canada. The centenary stamp was issued 25.06.1982. This is a plain cover, addressed to the Salvation Army, Red Shield Campaign Office in Ottawa with a local PM: the Ottawa Postal Museum. It is unlisted in the SA FDC catalogue. Not seen before. Information on the SA Historical & Philatelic Association FB site (Rob Kerr): It was likely issued by the Public Relations and Development office for that region. This envelope would have been the standard door to door Red Shield Campaign envelope. I don’t recall them being provided with postage affixed. Likely someone took the envelope and affixed the postage and had it cancelled at the postage museum in Ottawa.
1937 – Cover signed by the General
This Salvation Army cover from the Netherlands Indies is addressed to Major WB Pearce in Bandoeng. It has been signed by William Booth’s daughter, Evangeline Booth, who was the General of the Salvation Army from 1934 to 1939, when the cover was dated. It was used during the “far-Eastern Conference of the League of Nations” in Bandoeng in 1937 and carries the SA Child Welfare stamp set. Although the general traveled a lot, it is unlikely that she was in Bandoeng at that time and the cover is most likely signed later.