Very nice Salvation Army flag series postcards beginning with “Faith & Victory” (no. 1), “The Cross is the attraction” (no. 2), “True to my Savior” (no. 3), “The Dear Old Flag” (no. 5) and “All around the world” (no. 6). Has someone seen no. 4?
Category Archives: Salvation Army History
SA 2.3 – Netherlands Indies FDC
2025!! Greetings to all! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! This extremely rare first day cover, issued on December 1, 1936, features a Salvation Army Child Welfare stamp set and was recently sold on eBay for $66. This special FDC, which appears to have been issued by the Salvation Army, is very seldom seen on auction sites. Please note that this is a reference cover and not part of my collection.
1965 – UK – Centenary slogan PM
This letter bears the Salvation Army Centenary slogan postmark, used prior to the centenary date (July 2, 1965). Cancelled in Cardiff, it features the slogan: “The SA 1865 – 1965 – A Century of Service.” This postmark was used across the UK from June 1 to June 30, 1965, with 20 dies operating in different post offices, including this one from Cardiff.
US – info sheets
Some US Salvation Army issues contained info sheets with brief summaries of the organization’s history. The SA 4.19 info sheet also includes details about the artist behind the featured stamp.
1891 – UK SA Bank
1891 – Salvation Army Bank – One penny and one shilling. The SA Bank, later called Reliance Bank Limited, was founded in 1890 by William Booth. When he needed to attract investments to finance mortages on property vital to the work of the movement, his response was to set up the Army’s own bank. The stamps was likely used as a receipt for deposits in bank-books (Source: ISAPHJ May 2016).
1918 – US war work campaign
Salvation Army Poster stamp from 1918 to support of Salvation Army’s war work in WWI. Text: The Salvation Army Lassie – Keep her on the job. United war work campaign.
1985 – Canada – Ottawa Centenary
10 block with poster stamps to celebrate the Ottawa centenary of the Salvation Army. The SA had the national centenary in 1982, these poster stamps was issued a few years later. Note: Likely rare to see a full block of these stamps. Text: During 1985 the SA in Ottawa will celebrate 100 years of service in the Nation’s capital. We invite you to use the Centennial stamps on your personal mail to help us celebrate!
Updated SA Official cachet
The Salvation Army official cachet site has been updated. One of the oldest covers is this WWI Canadian Salvation Army cover – sent from Bramshott Camp UK to the USA. Dated 17. may 1918. Nicely illustrated with the Canadian flag “On active service” cover. Text: The SA with His Majesty’s Canadian Forces
Salvation Army Cindarellas
I’ve now set up a SA Cindarella overview, see the menu. The first poster stamp on this site portraits Brigadier Mary Murray of the Salvation Army.
As General Booth said: “I insist on the equality of women with men. Every officer and soldier should insist upon the truth that woman is as important, as valuable, as capable and as necessary to the progress and happiness of the world as man.” He proved that he meant what he said when he placed Brigadier Mary Murray in charge of the SA’s “naval and military league” at the time of the great war. She, together with two other officers, went to Belgium and France in 1914 to see what help could be given to the men of the British expeditionary force. The result of this was a service which eventually provided forty camp centres near the war zones, and later a war graves visitation service for bereaved relatives, initially under the direction of another woman officer, adjutant Mary Booth. (Source: Remark from seller: This poster stamp was issued around 1916, nice, very scarce item.
1957 – US postal card w/ SA PM
Postal card with National Salvation Army week meter mark, cancelled 20 May 1957 in Dover, US. Very neat card with unusually clear SA meter mark.
1918 – Canadian WWI cover
WWI Salvation Army cover – From Bramshott Camp UK to the USA. WWI covers are rare. This was sent in the last months of the war, 17 May 1918, it ended in November that year. Pictorial cachet with Canadian flag on Salvation Army “On active service” cover. Text: The Salvation Army with His Majesty’s Canadian Forces. Without stamp.
1919 – Australia WWI cover
Old Australian Forces Salvation Army Military Postal Express cover – 1919. Sold on Ebay Aug 2023 for $105. WWI Australian Salvation Army covers are very rare. Pictorial and nice cachet. NB! Reference cover, not in my collection