Tag Archives: Switerland Salvation Army FDC

SA 17 – Switzerland – Date error

SA 17.0 – Date error – Samstagern

A Swiss collector wanted to have an FDC done when this Salvation Army stamp was issued on August 23, 1982. At home he discovered this date error; the cover was cancelled 23.18.1982. Plain cachet with a pictorial cancel – 8833 Samstagern – Sonnenterasse uber dem Zurichsee. Not seen before with such an error. I suggest to catalogue this as SA 17.0


SA 17 – Switzerland unlisted FDC

SA 17 – Badenfahrt Ballonpost

Salvation Army Centenary in Switzerland,  1982. Badenfahrt Ballonpost cachet, very illustrative. Must be a connoisseur cachet, since the actual Balloon flight was launched one week after the first day of issue for the stamps.  The cachet has not been seen before, it is unlisted in the Salvation Army FDC catalogue. Limited edition. Two sets were issued (A & B) with 150 in each. This is no. 123 of 150 in the B-serie.

1958 – Unique Switzerland FDC

SA 3 – Lausanne 1955 cover

This cover was found on a Swiss auction, never seen before and likely unique. The attached stamps are various anniversaries issued on 1958, including the SA 75th anniversary in Switzerland. Local Postmark – Ebnat – Kappel (small municipality in Switzerland). The cachet is of 1955, from the Exposition Nationale de PHilatelie in Lausanne, 3 years before the stamp set was issued.

SA 3 – Swiss Parliament – unlisted FDC

SA 3 – Swiss Parliament – Bern

Unlisted FDC, likely very rare! Picture of the Federal Palace of Switzerland – (Swiss Parliament  / Bundeshaus) in Bern. Issued: 05.03.1958 with French PM (Berne). Anniversary stamp set 1958 (Werbemarken), including the Salvation Army (bonnet) stamp (SG 590). This particular FDC was a private initiative of a Swiss stampdealer in Lugano. The shop was closed in the sixties, and the stock left untouched until recently, when his grandson discovered these covers.  He guessed that only 5 – 10 covers like this are still around.