UK SA covers w/o SA stamps – 1983 – 1989

1983 - Woodbridge Corps Centenary
1983 - Festival of friendship
1983 - Neighbour - Are you saved
1983 - Neighbour 83 PM
1983 - Woodbridge Corps Centenary
1983 - 100th birthday celebration CBB
1983 - 100th birthday CBB
1983 - SA Christmas FDC
1984 - Wood Green Corps Centenary
1984 - SA Brass Band journal
1984 - The SA reaffirms the Gospel
1984 - The SA reaffirms the Gospel
1984 - Honouring SA nurses
1984 - Christian Heritage - WB II
1984 - Christian Heritage FDC - WB
1984 - Centenary of all the world
1984 - Social Services Centenary
1984 - Social Services Centenary
1984 - Evangeline Booth - FDC
1984 - Orsborn Memorial Halls - WB
1984 - Orsborn Memorial Halls
1984 - Orsborn Memorial Halls
1985 - Ramsgate Citadel Centenary
1985 - Ramsgate Centenary
1985 - Bournemouth Centenary
1985 - South Coast Tour
1985 - Kirkwall Orkney Centenary
1985 - Kirkwall Orkney 100 years PM
1985 - Kirkwall Orkney Centenary PM
1985 - Carols at Christmas - Diana IV
1985 - Carols at Christmas - Diana II
1985 - Carols at Christmas - Diana III
1985 - Carols at Christmas - Diana I
1985 - Carols at Christmas
1985 - Christmas aerogramme w/ SA PM
1985 - Carols at Christmas
1986 - Self-denial Week
1986 - Southend Citadel
1986 - Felixstowe Corps Centenary
1986 - Goodwill Centenary
1986 - Goodwill - Reference cover
1986 - Goodwill Centenary PM II
1986 - Official PO - Goodwill PM
1986 - Goodwill Centenary - Maxicard
1986 - Retirement Gen. Wahlstrøm
1986 - Retirement Gen. Wahlstrøm
1986 - Sunbury Court - High Council
1986 - Sunbury Court - High Council
1986 - General Eva Burrows elected
1986 - General Burrows elected
1987 - WB Promoted to Glory
1987 - Centenary New York Staff Band
1987 - Carols at Christmas
1988 - Junior soldier
1988 - British Territory Congress
1988 - British Territory Congress
1988 - Banking Departement
1988 - Anniversary of Wesley and WB
1988 - Ealing Corps Centenary
1988 - Christmas FDC - Ealing Centenary
1988 - Christmas - Ealing Centenary
1988 - Carols at Christmas
1989 - Evesham PM on PO FDC
1989 - Evesham corps centenary PM
1989 - Evesham corps centenary
1989 - Evesham corps centenary
1989 - WB training college
1989 - Deliverer Centenary
1989 - RSS 75th Anniversary
1989 - Red Shield Services - HQ PM
1989 - Red Shield Services
1989 - Red shield services
1989 - WWII 50th year
1989 - A pictorial record of the SA
1989 - Christmas FDC - Hayes
1989 - Carols at Christmas